Introducing My *Summer Crush* – a Tantalizing Late Summer Cocktail!

It’s Labor Day!  The official End of Summer!  But, are you ready for summer to end?  Because I. Am. Not!  With Covid restrictions and travel bans, it feels like this summer never even got off the ground.

Luckily for us there is still a ton of great summer produce at your local Farmers Market – perfect for cocktail making!

This week at my Market I picked up some beautiful sunflowers, amazing tomatoes, and the stars of this cocktail – a new jar of Honey (local honey is amazing! If you haven’t given it a try yet, you need to!) and a perfect Watermelon! 

This cocktail combines some of my favorite summer flavors – it is perfect for sipping in the shade on a hot July day or enjoying with friends while watching a mid-September sunset.  You will need fresh juiced watermelon, blackberries, honey, lime juice, Club Soda, and the vodka of your choice.  I used one of my favorites, Ohio’s own Buckeye Vodka.  This is super simple and absolutely delicious – I hope you enjoy!

  • *Summer Crush*
  • 1.5 oz Buckeye Vodka
  • .5 oz Lime Juice
  • .75 oz Blackberry-Honey Simple Syrup*
  • 3-4 oz Watermelon Juice*
  • 2 oz Club Soda

In a 16 oz Mason Jar, fill with ice and combine Buckeye Vodka, Watermelon Juice, Lime Juice, and Blackberry-Honey Simple.  Place the lid on the jar and shake to combine.  Top with Club Soda and garnish with blackberries, mint leaves, lime wheel, or whatever you have on hand. 

I love making cocktails in mason jars, you can build the drink and serve in the same glass – no extra dirty dishes!  Plus, if you have guests coming you can prebuild the cocktail then ice and garnish just as your company arrives! 

And you know that I am all about versatility!  This drink is delicious with vodka – but also amazing with your favorite tequila (maybe add a salt rim, for a little extra oomph) and also delicious with rum!  Remember, recipes are just guidelines, tweak to make the final product your very own masterpiece!

*Blackberry-Honey Simple Syrup – In a pot over medium heat combine 6 oz Blackberries with 6 oz of local Honey and 6 oz of water, stirring occasionally to help honey dissolve.  It should come to a low simmer for about 10 minutes.  Remove from heat and allow to cool 15 minutes.  Pour through a fine mesh strainer into a sealable container and refrigerate until ready to use.  (This is also amazing in ice tea or over ice cream!)

*Watermelon Juice – Load up your blender with chunks of de-rinded watermelon, and pulse until it is liquified.  Pour through a fine sieve into a pitcher and refrigerate.

Agave and Rye

Agave and Rye has been a staple in Covington for many years now.  And for years I’ve been reading about the amazing food menu and the top notch cocktail list.  However Covington isn’t exactly close to me and when I do find myself in that part of the city it’s usually for a specific reason.  So alas, I have yet to make it to the original Agave and Rye…. BUT lucky, LUCKY me!  Agave and Rye opened a location in Liberty Center, which is just up the road from my Partner in Crime which made it PERFECT for a #SundaysareforResearch outing.

Last Sunday was cold and damp.  And did I cold?  We had big plans to adventure up to Dayton or Hamilton.  But waking up Sunday to the damp and the cold, we decided to stay close.  So Agave and Rye it was.They took over the former Cantina Laredo space in Liberty Center and completely transformed the space.  The white bar top and tables provide a perfect setting for the murals that cover the walls.  There is a definite urban flare to the art, which keeps the space feeling hip and edgy but still comfortable and approachable.  Even though the capacity was increased by approximately 30 covers the space feels cozier than it used to.  

The menu is daunting.  Not because of the huge selections (but they have that, too) but because EVERYTHING sounds SO GOOD!  We decided to start with the chips and queso- who doesn’t like queso?  The homemade chips were light and crisp but held up to the thick, goey, spiced queso.  It was delicious.My Partner in Crime decided on the Snitch- a Jerk Mahi-Mahi Taco and I went with the Shrimp and Crab Empanada.  His taco was ginormous!  It was overflowing with garlic rice and grilled pineapple and a very generous portion of Mahi-Mahi.  My empanadas were so good- the crust was fried a perfect golden brown, and very light.  They were topped with avocado and a corn salad and even more crab!  So much crab and shrimp!  Very well seasoned.  Absolutely delicious!  

This couldn’t be a true #research outing if I didn’t indulge in a fabulous cocktail.  I was tempted by so many things… from there proudly perfected frozen margaritas to a traditional marg to something a bit more adventerous.  I finally decided on a Sangria because I love a good Sangria and a good one is very hard to find.  And this was pretty good.  It had all of the rich flavors that I look for in addition to a nice tequila kick.  

Next visit to Agave and Rye it will be hard to convince myself to not order the Crab and Shrimp Empanadas again- they were so darn good.  My Partner in Crime already knows exactly what he’ll be ordering next time.  And as far as cocktails go- I think next time I’m going to try one of their famous margaritas