9/11 Remembrance

 This blog is for fun.  Drinks are fun.  Travel is fun.  But this post, it’s not for fun.  I started writing this blog for many reasons.  The big reason being to help me remember.  Remember the cocktail ideas.  The inspiration behind them.  What fruit was in season that sparked the idea.  Where I was visiting- the bar, the restaurant, the city, the country.  It is so important to remember.  Details.  Details are always important.  But sometimes it’s the bigger feeling that you need to remember.  The bigger picture.  Sometimes you need something- a voicemail, photo, news story, a blog to help make sure you never forget.

On this date I would be remiss to not address what happened 18 years ago.  It’s something that I still have a very hard time processing.  I change the channel when news stations will share montages.  I was 17 years old, I’m 35 now and I still feel like it’s too soon.

I was taking a US Government class that was required senior curriculum.  My teacher was a military man.  We started class at 7:12 am with the teacher talking about how lucky we were to live in the United States of America.  He went on and on about how amazing this country is.  The opportunity, the beauty, the strength.  

It was less than an hour later when we would hear about the first tower.  The school got the TVs on in time for the second tower. 

I don’t need to walk you through the details of what happened.  You know.  The fall out of 9/11 was, and for me still is, unimaginable.  This act of terror is something I don’t think our country has ever recovered from.  I still am holding out hope that we can come together and prove how strong our nation can be.

As I said, I would be remiss in not addressing this date.  And what it stands for.  And for all of the people we lost. 

In Honor of the 2,996 Lives that were lost, we remember and we’ll never forget.