Research (Part 1)


[ˈrēˌsərCH, rəˈsərCH]


  1. the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions

I am always looking for ideas.  I have found that some of the best sources of inspiration come from my own area.  Visiting other bars, restaurants, breweries, gives my mind a chance to rest and just enjoy what other people are creating.  Which, in turn, gets my own creative juices flowing.  My research outings are something I look forward to.  They stretch from the brewery 3 minutes down the road to a little brewery in Dublin that you may have heard of, Guinness.  A simple trip to the grocery store can be research.  Or the food network.  Or a cookbook.  Or a farmer’s market.  Or a bakery.  You can find inspiration everywhere, if you are open to it.

So, this is #research post 1.  I know there will be many, many more. 

I recently visited Locoba by Platform Beer in Cincinnati, Oh.  (Yes, I know that Platform was just acquired by InBev.  But they are still transitioning into this acquisition.  And InBev claims that they will leave these guys alone, that they just wanted a couple of recipes.  Time will tell what happens to them, but for today I really enjoyed my visit.)

Locoba by Platform

Locoba.  Bright, airy, and very open feeling, even though they don’t have a ton of space.  I’m a sucker for a living wall and they’ve got one!  They also have several plants No more than 15 seats around the bar, a couple of tables, a private room, and a patio.  It seems like they do a fair amount or takeout business- either to go coffees or folks grabbing a six pack on the way home. 

I was intrigued by a few of the hard seltzer options they had on tap, but ultimately chose the Rosellini- Peach Rose Apple Cider.  It was a delicious, crisp, not overly sweet cider.  As it warmed up more of the peach flavors shone through and I very much enjoyed it. 

My Partner in Crime went with the L.E.D. American Light Lager.  He liked it so much he had two of them!  The clean, hoppy presence perfectly complemented the rich malty notes of this beer.  Very well balanced, and as far as lagers go, this one was interesting to drink.  He liked it so much the bar (O’Neal’s Tavern) may be putting this on tap. 

Locoba by Platform

We did not have a chance to eat there, but the food offerings, while limited, looked very good (sandwiches, pretzels, chips).  I’m hoping to return soon, possibly for brunch.  Then I will be able to sample some of the coffee they brag about.  Honestly, the place smelled amazing!  Fresh ground coffee in all of its glory!  I just wasn’t in the mood for coffee (which is rare for me).  Next visit, coffee is a must. 

Ok.  I’m going to keep #research post 1 short.  Post 1 is more about explaining my research approach.  If You have any suggestions of where my research should take me, PLEASE share!

#WhatchaMakinWednesday (Part One)

Every Wednesday I try to create a new cocktail.  I call it #WhatchaMakinWednesday.  Sometimes it’s recipe testing for a competition drink.  Sometimes it’s for a new seasonal menu.  Sometimes it’s just something that I’ve been wanting to try.

I will (almost) always share the Wednesday recipe.  But, I’ll be honest, sometimes my ideas just plain don’t work.  I will try to share the #fails but no promises.  And other times I prefer to keep my recipes a bit of a secret.  I am always open to feed back and ingredient/flavor ideas.  Or names for my cocktails.  I’m SOOOO bad at naming them! 

This weeks WhatchaMakin concoction was inspired by a few things.  First, the PERFECT little Pears that I saw at the Farmer’s Market.  Second, the Brown Sugar Simple Syrup that I made earlier in the week that is so good I want to take a bath in it!  Third, it’s almost Fall and I’m craving some of those flavors.  Thus, this bourbon-based libation sprang forth from the first fallen leaves fully formed and ready to be consumed. 

What do you think?

  • 1.5 ounces Maker’s Mark
  • 1.5 ounces Pear Juice
  • 1 ounce No Sugar Added Cranberry Juice
  • ¾ ounce Brown Sugar Simple Syrup
  • ¼ ounce Lemon Juice
  • Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice.  Shake for 10-15 seconds and either serve over ice or strain into a goblet/snifter and garnish with a slice of pear.

*Brown Sugar Simple Syrup Combine Equal Parts Dark Brown Sugar and Water over medium high heat.  Stirring occasionally bring to a boil.  Allow to cool and keep in the refrigerator until ready to use.

P.S. What would you name it?

9/11 Remembrance

 This blog is for fun.  Drinks are fun.  Travel is fun.  But this post, it’s not for fun.  I started writing this blog for many reasons.  The big reason being to help me remember.  Remember the cocktail ideas.  The inspiration behind them.  What fruit was in season that sparked the idea.  Where I was visiting- the bar, the restaurant, the city, the country.  It is so important to remember.  Details.  Details are always important.  But sometimes it’s the bigger feeling that you need to remember.  The bigger picture.  Sometimes you need something- a voicemail, photo, news story, a blog to help make sure you never forget.

On this date I would be remiss to not address what happened 18 years ago.  It’s something that I still have a very hard time processing.  I change the channel when news stations will share montages.  I was 17 years old, I’m 35 now and I still feel like it’s too soon.

I was taking a US Government class that was required senior curriculum.  My teacher was a military man.  We started class at 7:12 am with the teacher talking about how lucky we were to live in the United States of America.  He went on and on about how amazing this country is.  The opportunity, the beauty, the strength.  

It was less than an hour later when we would hear about the first tower.  The school got the TVs on in time for the second tower. 

I don’t need to walk you through the details of what happened.  You know.  The fall out of 9/11 was, and for me still is, unimaginable.  This act of terror is something I don’t think our country has ever recovered from.  I still am holding out hope that we can come together and prove how strong our nation can be.

As I said, I would be remiss in not addressing this date.  And what it stands for.  And for all of the people we lost. 

In Honor of the 2,996 Lives that were lost, we remember and we’ll never forget.

“Something Fruity” Part 1

One of the biggest requests that I get while bartending is “I want something fruity!  I want it strong but I DON’t want to taste the alcohol!!!”  In my mind I’m thinking, “Well, I’ve never met you before and I have no idea what you like or don’t like or might be allergic to…. But sure, let me whip you up something AMAZING! (Insert eyeroll here.)”

One of the first tips I’ve given to the bartenders I’ve trained is to have a couple of “fruity” drinks ready to suggest.  They can be some old standbys like a Sex on the Beach or a Malibu and Pineapple OR you can take this opportunity to create a signature offering. 

One of my signature “something fruity” options is the Dragonfly.  One of my favorite flavored rums is the Bacardi Dragonberry.  It’s a Dragonfruit and Strawberry flavor that is fruity without being cloying or overpowering and it mixes well with tons of things.  Plus almost everyone likes rum.  Rum is a fantastic base for so many drinks.  (And who doesn’t love a good rum & coke?) The Triple Sec gives it another layer of Citrus without adding anymore tartness.  The sour mix keeps it from being too sweet.  The Cranberry Juice is a familiar ingredient in the “something fruity” category of drinks.  Plus it makes the drink a really pretty color!     

I call this the Dragonfly.  There is no great story behind the name.  I’m really, REALLY bad at naming my drinks and one night I had to think of something to call it, so Dragonfly it was! 

  • Dragonfly
  • *Build this directly in a Collins Glass (10 ounce glass, or close to that) filled with ice
  • 1.5 ounces Bacardi Dragonberry
  • 1 ounce Triple Sec
  • Splash of Sour Mix
  • Top with Cranberry Juice
  • Stir to Combine and Enjoy!

Elvis’s Perfect Patròn Margarita

Ibiscus Frizzante

A couple of weeks ago I posted about my entry, the Ibiscus Frizzante, into the Patròn Perfectionist competition.  This was only the second competition I entered.  It was a fun process developing this cocktail (I think all of my taste testers enjoyed the process as well!) 

I am ECSTATIC to announce that I have been chosen to compete in the Regional Finals!  In November I will be flying to New York to compete against 7 other incredibly talented bartenders!  I am so excited!  I am SO nervous!  This is such an incredible opportunity and I am so lucky to be a part of this worldwide competition!

In honor of my amazing news I wanted to share my Perfect Patròn Margarita.  I used the Reposado for this because I enjoy the richness it gives the drink and I think the fresh ingredients highlight the complexity of the tequila. If you prefer the Silver, then use the Silver. This is MY Perfect Marg- yours may be different, and that is perfectly ok! If you have read any of my other recipes you know that the sweetness/tartness of many of my recipes can be adjusted to your own taste, and this one is no exception.  I prefer my margaritas to be a bit on the tart side but if you prefer yours sweeter just add a bit more Agave Nectar.  The same goes for salt/sugar on the rim of the glass.  I don’t care for either one, but if you do then you should go for it! 

  • Elvis’s Perfect Patròn Margarita
  • 1.5 ounces Patròn Reposado
  • 1 ounce Cointreau
  • 1 ounce Agave Nectar (get the good stuff, 100% Agave, it’s worth it!)
  • .5 ounce Fresh Lime Juice
  • .5 ounce Fresh Lemon Juice
  • Shake with ice, pour into your favorite glass, add a slice of lime and enjoy!

See you in NYC Patròn!